Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Blaine's Top 10 Books - Day 3

Lost Star of Myth & Time, Walter Cruttenden

This book, while not a novel, isn’t “non-fiction” either – it’s more along the lines of “speculative theory” – and it’s on the list because it quite simply blew my mind.

It all centers on a very simple idea that, to me, makes so much sense it has to be true.  The premise?  Our sun is in a binary orbit around another star.  Seriously, why would our sun just be sitting still?  And if it’s moving, why wouldn’t it be in an orbit around something?  Everything else is.  To elaborate just a little more, as our sun travels around this 24,000 year orbit, it pulls our entire solar system with it through space that we have actually already been through before. 

What was the Golden Age?  How could ancient civilizations know so much about astronomy?  What is precession and what’s the real purpose of the signs of the Zodiac?  For that matter, what’s the real story with the Mayan calendar?  Why do we measure time in a 24 hour cycle, with 12 hours ascending and 12 hours descending?  What if the written word is actually a product of a lower intelligence?  What if most of what we thought we knew about the past was wrong?  What if, what if, what if . . .

This book changed how I look at almost everything, and it provided possible answers to many questions while also generating scores of other questions that I had never even thought to ask before.  Interestingly, it doesn’t conflict with Biblical history;  it simply requires in some instances that we re-evaluate what we thought it meant.  And we have to do that since the premise also pretty much debunks the entire theory of evolution, which is maybe the real reason why nobody seems to want to talk much about the possibility of our sun being in an orbit around another star.

Mind food.  And yummy at that.

(also:  any of Graham Hancock’s books)

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